Sunday, June 30, 2013


ROUTE: neighborhood/bff
TEMP: 88*F
TRIP: 16.97 miles
START TIME: 11:00hrs
TOTAL TIME: 1:23:39
GOAL: breathing and rhythm, increasing cadence
OF NOTE: the wind came from the northwest at a constant 12 mph. the gusts were strong and frequent.
today was a ride with my hubby. he couldn't stand it any longer and decided to go for a ride. of course, i joined him. doc said he could start riding the bike again with no stress. he did a really good job at keeping it down. he told me, after getting home, that his cadence was way off and he was having trouble keeping the consistency. he will take it slow and not stress the left knee as he regains his rhythm and works his way back to his normal pace.
we went on my route with a stop at Elliots Hardware Store. the ride went flawless until i decided to cross the oncoming lanes to the middle of the road. my right shoe was clipped as i rode out. when i went to put my right foot down, i couldn't. i went down in the middle separating the east and west bound lanes. fell on the right side and pushed my bike off me hard and let it fall. hubby tried to catch it but it fell on it's left side. my upper body was slightly in the left lane of the west bound side. all i got was a small scrap on my right elbow and a slight road scrape on my right shin just below the knee. i looked at the bike, chain was off. had to walk the bike across to a grassy area where i fixed the chain and sat on the grass. i was so frustrated that my shoe wouldn't unclip.
STUPID! never should have done that. lesson learned. wait until all traffic is clear b4 proceeding. sitting on the grass after fixing the chain, i rested and got myself together. getting back on the bike, i continued on the ride. sometimes i just get too impatient. better work on my patience a bit more.
i also need to work on my ability to keep rhythm/cadence when the wind is blowing in my face. i tend to downshift and slow my rhythm. if i don't change that, i won't make climbing hills easier for me. nor will i be consistent. i will concentrate on that more as continue to get better.
ride overall was really good. i so enjoyed riding with my hubby and not behind him. i think there will be one, maybe two, more rides with him. then it will prolly go back to riding alone. he is so much faster than i am. he really likes the road. i like the dirt. maybe one day we'll go on a dirt trail and enjoy the scenery.
something that also happened: my chain was apparently more messed up than i thought when i went down. hubby had me pull into TSC so he could check cuz he didn't want me to continue or finish the ride with a bad chain. the shifting was not working correctly and he wanted to make sure it was safe. i was willing to wait until we got home. but he didn't want me to wait. he parked his bike and i let him look at mine. he realigned the changer and made sure as best he could that the gears shift worked smoother. it made it worse tho. but he immediately took care of it when we got home.
my hubby is the best. looking forward to the next ride.

Friday, June 28, 2013


ROUTE: neighborhood/bff
TEMP: 89*F
TRIP: 16.34 miles
START TIME: 09:10hrs
TOTAL TIME: 1:21:42
GOAL: breathing and rhythm
OF NOTE: the wind seemed to come out of the southeast this mornin'. not much wind but enough that i was aware of it. it was also really humid.
on the way home, i stopped and chatted with my daughter. caught her as she was about to get in her car. chatted for about 30 min. good rest stop.
feeling really good, i decided to add an extra mile or there about to my ride. instead of goin' back home via Kearney, i took Beltline to the service road.
quite surprised that the vehicles gave me no trouble. there was no honking or threats. it was truly a pleasant experience riding down that road. think i have extended my route just a bit for now.
will begin to work on getting my cadence/rhythm a bit higher now that i am able to ride further. shouldn't be too long now b4 i am attempting more challenging roads.
with the adjustments to my bike this week, i am able to apply more power so i can bring my rhythm/cadence up. today my left knee hurt in the beginning of the ride but after a while it became a dull ache. then i experienced some thing i can explain as 'throbbing' tho it wasn't hurting. it felt weird but after a while it too stopped. yes, my knee still hurts but not like it has in the past. i was actually able to apply power with my left leg and not just my right leg. maybe, just maybe, the adjustments done by my hubby fixed my power application problem. i really had no problem pedalling up the inclines. keeping a steady rhythm was much easier. increasing the rhythm was no problem. 8)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


ROUTE: neighborhood
TEMP: 86*F
TRIP: 10.61 miles
TIME: 08:40hrs
TOTAL TIME: 0:58:01
GOAL: n/a
OF NOTE: the wind was very strong from the south today. just out to test the adjustments made to the bike last nite.
with the wind as strong as it was, i chose to ride the neighborhood twice. didn't quite make the distance i normally do, but a good ride nonetheless.
the humidity was very noticeable. and the wind, the wind was definitely challenging with its very strong gusts. the winds came out of the south between 12-15 mph or stronger with those very strong gusts.
the adjustments have made my ride a bit smoother. however, my left knee still has pain as i ride. even now sitting as it is at a right angle, it hurts in the front part. so i don't think, the seat, pedal, or any other adjustment will help much at this point. but the ride is definitely better. i don't feel like i'm pushing with my toes. i was able to crank with more power and strength.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


ROUTE: neighborhood/bff
TEMP: 83*F
TRIP: 14.41 miles
TIME: 09:10hrs
TOTAL TIME: 1:11:14
GOAL: rhythm/breathing in sync
OF NOTE: the wind was very strong from the south today. it made think about giving up but i refocused and pushed on. 8)
the challenge i have put on myself is to Kearney after Galloway light in 3 by 6 or 7 the entire incline. the incline is not steep but is a long continuous one for about a half mile. after the light, there is a good downgrade to get speed but then the challenge is to keep that speed. today i kept that speed with little effort tho the wind was strong against me from the side and front. with a good rhythm going, i made it all the way to Hillcrest.
i am slowly reaching a goal i have set for myself. should be able to give it a try in about a month. it's a challenge for me that i want to meet and triumph over. then those bike rallys won't be too difficult for me.

evening ride
ROUTE: neighborhood
TEMP: 85*F
TRIP: 14.90 miles
TIME: 18:55hrs
TOTAL TIME: 0:37:34
GOAL: n/a
OF NOTE: decided to go out for a slow paced fun ride. the wind was still strong out of the south. made me think, 'now why did i go out again?' but that thought quickly passed and i enjoyed the rest of the ride. it was just a quick ride.
alright! the bike was calling to me and i just had to answer it. 8) there! that's my story and i'm sticking to it. 8)


ROUTE: neighborhood/bff
TEMP: 83*F
TRIP: 14.90 miles
TIME: 09:00hrs
TOTAL TIME: 1:30:31
GOAL: rhythm/breathing in sync
OF NOTE: the wind was coming out of the east, which was a bit surprising since the storms were to the west of me.
other than that the ride was uneventful.
i have set new goals, which i hope to reach within a reasonable amount of time.
can't wait til hubby can once again join me on the bike. his recovery is coming along nicely from the knee surgery

Thursday, June 13, 2013


ROUTE: neighborhood/bff
TEMP: 78*F
TRIP: 14.90 miles
TIME: 09:00hrs
TOTAL TIME: 1:17:44
GOAL: rhythm/breathing in sync
OF NOTE: the wind!
the wind came from the south and west making for a very challenging ride for me. it seemed to come against me the majority of the ride. relief came only when i was heading northeast, which wasn't often.
i believe i have figured out y i don't have much push from left leg. i noticed that the pressure was all on my toes. so i will have that adjusted hopefully b4 my next ride. my right foot is still wanting to stay on the 'toe down' but i'm retraining it to go 'heel down'. however, i still have to work on the way i keep my arms. need to move them more so they don't cause my hands/figures to go numb.
i also noticed that getting up the incline, even with the strong wind, was a bit easier.
i am really wanting to get my rhythm/breathing in sync so i can ride for long distances. i may not be fast or quick but i will finish what i start. as my rhythm increases, so will my endurance.


ROUTE: Collin Couny Bike Rally
TEMP: 72*F
TRIP: 38.03 miles
TIME: 0830hrs
TOTAL TIME: 03:15:15
GOAL: to "finish the ride"
OF NOTE: a large group for the 36 mile ride. many, many hills with steep upgrades. the downhills were absolute relief from the climb b4.
8 June 2013: the day started at 0400 hrs. not exactly my ideal time for waking up. but we needed to be there by 0630 hrs. we were there well b4 that time. it was 0545 hrs when we parked the car in the grassy area. we were the first to arrive aside from the event volunteers. we were the first to get our bike numbers and t-shirts.
about 15 minutes later, others arrived and that began a steady flow of people and bikes.
finding our starting point for the 36 mile ride, we waited, and waited, and waited. finally, 0800 hrs came and the longest route bikers were allowed to leave. we finally left the start around 0830 hrs. the crowd of bikers was large but everyone was courteous as we all headed in one direction. after turning onto the road, we could spread out a bit and get goin'. i did my best to stay with my hubby but it was not to be. he settled into his rhythm and i into mine. about the 3rd turn, the group i was with started hearing about a wreck and cracks on bridge. there was a wreck of several bikes and a couple of people were being tended to. their ride was over. cracks on the bridge weren't that bad for my bike as i was riding a mountain bike. my tires were much wider and thicker than most of the bikes out there that day. hubby was way ahead of me and i didn't really mind cuz i knew he couldn't keep to my slower pace. he told me later that he was riding with the first group to start. however, we did meet at the first rest stop and stayed together for about 1.5 miles. we were stopped by the police directing traffic. quite a large group of bikers were gathered and waiting to continue the ride. hubby turned around and i lost him as we were waved to proceed. he finally caught up with me and stayed with me for about 1.5 miles again b4 he took off on his pace. this time he circled back to me and rode with me to the next rest stop. having refueled our bodies and water bottles, we continued on. it wasn't long b4 he "left me in the dust". i reminded him to take it easy over the walkie talkie and he was gone. i was now on my own for the remainder of the ride. i didn't really want to be but i wasn't gonna hold him back. we have very different riding techniques. as i rode with my thoughts, i hoped he wasn't pushing it on his left knee as his surgery was on Tuesday. i thought about how proud my dad would be to see me riding in a bike rally and actually making it. wondered what life would be like if my sister was still here. so many different thoughts. but i always came back to me. encouraging myself to keep goin' and don't give up. i thanked Daddy for helping me with each stroke of the pedal. the final rest stop was 18 miles from the last one. after i stopped and took a short break along with some food, drink and ice, i got back on my bike and finished the ride.
the roads were back country roads with lots of steep inclines and really nice downgrades. i struggled on most of the uphill climbs but i didn't give up nor did i stop in the middle of them except for one with a curve. i stopped just b4 the curve and thought, "i can't do it anymore." but then, my determination and Daddy spoke to me with that still small voice and encouraged me to continue. i reclipped and made the last rest stop where i was even more determined to "finish the ride".
i did take in the scenery and enjoyed seeing the horses, which i would rather be riding. despite the hills, i really enjoyed the route. however, i do need to ride more uphills so i can make it up without goin' all the way down to F2 R1,2 on the gears. a challenge i will meet and accomplish by the end of July. that's the goal.

as i rode the 36 miles, i thought about a lot of things. but mostly i thought about me and getting to the finish line.
when i arrived at the start/finish, my name was announced over the loud speaker. hubby had asked to announce my name with encouraging words. i didn't really acknowledge it cuz i still hadn't crossed the finish line. in fact, i wondered how he knew my name and then i thought it was for someone else. but hubby was there with a smile on his face beaming and telling me how proud he was that i "finished the ride".
after crossing the finish line, i rode my bike up onto the sidewalk, told hubby to grab the bike as i could not put my feet on the ground. once the bike was securely held by hubby, i gently put my feet on the ground and straddled the bike. hubby handed me a bottle of CRAZY water and i slowly drank it. a few minutes l8r, i dismounted and hubby took the bike and put it away for the trip home.

b4 leaving the event, we walked around to see if we could find a bite to eat. we didn't want burgers or "fast food". i wanted a good salad and he really wanted barbecue/brisket. so off we went to find an Olive Garden.
when we arrived at the Mesquite Olive Garden, they had just lost power. so i decided to go to SpringCreek Barbecue cuz i didn't want to wait. i needed to eat. hubby really wanted to eat there anyway. and they even had a nice sized salad that i ordered and devoured. after that, we went home.


Friday, June 7, 2013


ROUTE: neighborhood
TEMP: 82*F
TRIP: 7.60 miles
TIME: 0905hrs
TOTAL TIME: 0:18:63
GOAL: breathing and rhythm in sync
OF NOTE: the wind was nonexistent and the ride was pleasant.

ROUTE: Twila's route
TEMP: 73*F
TRIP: 13.87 miles
TIME: 0905hrs
TOTAL TIME: 1:10:50
GOAL: breathing and rhythm in sync
OF NOTE: very strong north wind that was noticeable. goin' east/west was also a challenge. south, however, was 'a breeze'.
have lengthened my leisure route as u can tell by the TRIP. it's time to begin the stretching of my riding. might even lengthen it more b4 the month is over. we'll see.
i am much more confident on my bike and am conquering my fear of busy roads. as i ride them more, the fear is faced headon and i'm winning! i find when i ride the busier streets, my confidence in myself goes up.
my right foot still tends to be 'toe down' but i am catching it more often. it takes time to retrain and brake old habits. but little by little, i am doin' it. there is so much riding a bike can do for a person.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


ROUTE: neighborhood route
TEMP: 82*F
TRIP: 7.84 miles
TIME: 0855hrs
TOTAL TIME:0:42:05
GOAL: breathing and rhythm in sync
OF NOTE: no wind to speak of. very uneventful ride. still working on keeping my right foot 'heel down'.
breathing and pedaling rhythm r syncing nicely. today, it took only a short time to get my breathing in sync with my pedaling. as the whole thing is becoming second nature to me, i am getting more focused on the ride and really enjoying it.
my 'trusing the bike' is also coming along. am still practing those tighter turns but am coming along nicely.
will soon add more miles to my morning ride. that will be really good for me.

Monday, June 3, 2013

3 rides combined

ROUTE: neighborhood route
DATE: 31.05.2013 TEMP: 82*F humid
TRIP: 7.50 miles
TIME: 0950hrs
TOTAL TIME:0:42:44
GOAL: breathing and rhythm in sync
OF NOTE: there was no sun whatsoever. the winds were strong but i found that i was not bothered by them unless i had to stop or slow down and then get back to speed again.
ride was good. no vehicles that 'didn't see me' were encountered.

ROUTE: neighborhood route
DATE: 02.06.2013
TEMP: 81*F
TRIP: 7.68 miles
TIME: 2000hrs
TOTAL TIME:0:41:42
GOAL: breathing and rhythm in sync
OF NOTE: the weather was absolutely perfect.
just a great ride. my breathing and rhythm were in sync the entire ride.
however, i noticed that feet were always in the 'toe down' position. have to work on that. my feet need to be more in the 'heel down' position.

ROUTE: neighborhood route
TEMP: 73*F
TRIP: 7.84 miles
TIME: 0905hrs
TOTAL TIME:0:43:15
GOAL: breathing and rhythm in sync
OF NOTE: the weather was absolutely perfect. the wind was really not a factor in today's mornin' ride. there was chill in the air but did not bother as i rode. in fact, it felt quite good.
got a bit of a late start this mornin' but i was glad to get out on the bike and ride. nothing really out of the ordinary during the ride.
once again i noticed that my right foot, especially was 'toe down'.
the previous evening, i thought about how a horse is controlled not only by te bit but also the leg and seat. for a bike, it's the leg that controls how fast the bike goes. and the hands control where it goes. in noticing how my foot prefers to stay in the 'toe down position, i also have to 'trust the bike' in turning. as i work on the 'heel down', i am also working on 'trusting my bike' in a turning maneuver.
in order for a horse to be smooth in motion, it has to 'bend' it's body around the rider's leg. in dressage, this is very important for smoothness in doing any of the tight pirouettes. as i turn the bike and lean into the turn, i have to tell myself to 'trust the bike' and make that tight turn. the tires on the bike were made to grip the road surface of either tar, cement or dirt. my tires r properly inflated so they can do their job. i have to 'trust the bike'. in order for me to make those tight turns, i have relax my arms, which i tend to keep a bit stiff. BAD! relaxation is important so i can make those tight turns and 'trust the bike'.
maybe, when i fnally master this 'relaxation' technique, i just might 'trust the bike'. 8)